Morris Music Studio Logo with Photo of Student
Text:  Piano and Trumpet Lessons from a Professional Musician


Lessons: Rates, Payment and Policy Information

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Photos of Students

Studio Policies

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One Student: $25 per half hour ($100 per month)

Additional Students from immediate family:
20% Discount = $20 per half hour ($80 per month)


Payment Terms


Monthly tuition is non-refundable and due the first lesson of each month.  A detailed invoice will be sent home with the student a week prior to each new month.  Any returned checks will be charged a $15 service fee.  Your payment is holding a scheduled time slot each week for a lesson.  If a lesson is missed, no make-up will be available.  On the occasion that I have to miss a lesson, a credit will be given for the following month.


Late Fees and Non-Payment


A late fee of $5.00 per week will be added after the 2nd week of non-payment.  If no payment is received after 4 weeks, the student will no longer receive lessons until the situation is resolved.


Vacations and Holidays


If notified in advance, payment will not have to be made for missed lessons due to family vacations (such as Spring Break & during the summer months).  I also do not charge for lessons that occur on or during major holidays (Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day).  I do teach on all other holidays, whether kids have school that day or not (such as Presidents Day, Labor Day and Columbus Day).  If students are out of school on a lesson day, I give the option to have the lesson in the morning, if desired.  If you are not sure whether I am teaching on a certain day or not, please refer to the online music studio calendar.


Cost of Lesson Materials


Lesson materials such as method books and enrichment supplements will be received during lessons and a payment invoice for these materials will be sent home on the day that they are given.  This will help alleviate shopping stress & confusion for the parents, and will be provided tax-free.  Most books range from $4.95 to $8.95 each.  Students will generally be working in 4 books at a time.


Cost of Recitals


Good News!  There are no additional fees for the annual Spring and Fall Recitals or the awards.